Exploring the determinants for successful implementation of donor-funded projects in Bono Region of Ghana: A case study from the agricultural sector.

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Funds from donors have been of great importance to many developing countries, as it brings out great opportunities and benefits for the development of a country. Based on this, the study aimed to explore the determinants for successful implementation of donor-funded projects in Bono region. To achieve the goal, the following objectives were noted, these comprises; the extent to which the implementation of donor funded project has been successful, identify factors that hinders implementation of Donor funded projects, and to identify the determinants for successful implementation of Donor-Funded projects in Bono region. The quantitative technique was selected in conducting the study. The purposive and the convenience sampling technique were used for this study, in which the study was limited to 5 Agricultural donor agencies in the Bono region, and by the use of the convenience sampling technique, (10) questionnaires were distributed to respondents who were available and prepared in each agency to answer questionnaires given, based on this, the researcher obtained a sample size of 50. Results of data gathered were 42, which was used in conducting the research analysis. Data analysis was successful by the use of two analytical tools, which includes; the Relative Importance Index and the Mean score ranking. From the first objective, factors that were ranked as the extent to which the implementation of donor funded project has been successful were: Planning and Management of project are often effective and aids in successful implementation of project, all projects objectives achieved during donor projects and also, project targets at every stage is successfully achieved. In the second objective, the main factors that hinder implementation of Donor funded projects were; Poor management of key stakeholders, Inadequate timing of funds disbursement and social-cultural obstacles that bring differences during the execution of project. Lastly, factors ranked as determinants for successful implementation of projects includes; Good management of stakeholders, availability of qualified project staff at all times, project monitoring, and lastly frequent meetings with key stakeholders e.g. opinion leaders. and with the knowledge and assistance of respondents, all factors well ranked accurately. This helped in presenting the determinants for successful implementation of donor-funded projects, through which the main aim of the study was attained.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Construction Technology and Management,Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award Degree of Master of Science in Project Management .November.
Donor-funded, successful implementation, determinant