Effectiveness of revenue mobilization strategies of mmdas in Ghana. A case study of the talensi district assembly

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Generating financial resources adequate for the provision and improvement of public goods and services to the citizenry by metropolitan municipal and district assemblies has encountered numerous challenges over the years after the coming to being of the fiscal decentralisation in Ghana. The purpose of the study was to; find out sources of revenue to the talensi district assembly, assess factors that contribute to the poor performance and to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies used in revenue mobilization. A descriptive and explanatory research designs were adopted for the study, using purposive and simple random sampling techniques to carve a sample size of 50 respondents from the study population. Employing quantitative study, data was collected using questionnaires as collection instruments. For sources of revenue to tda, the study found that the assembly major source of revenue was its share of the 5% district assembly common fund annually sub vented to mmdas in proportion to their revenue performance. Six out of eight factors were found to be the causal factors accounting for low revenue performance at the tda. On the effectiveness of revenue generating strategies, the study found that the three most effective strategies of the assembly were the identification of viable sources of revenue, bringing on board businesses in the informal sector and building the capacities of revenue collectors to understand their roles in the assembly revenue mobilization drive. The study therefore recommended to management of tda to; take pragmatic steps in developing and creating a reliable data base on properties and for businesses to help revenue budget formulation and implementation, devise new strategies for revenue mobilization, review the collection of property rate and business operating permits to reposition it as a catalyst for accelerated development and to strictly enforce the by-law on property rate, imposing penalties for default in payment.
A thesis submitted to the institute of distance learning, Kwame Nkrumah university of science and technology, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of master of science degree in accounting and finance