Improving access of the physically disabled to health services in Tamale Municipality

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Disability is perceived as a curse and tragedy in Tamale Metropolis. These powerful negatives illicit either fears or sympathy towards the disabled persons. Access of the physically disabled persons to health care is a major problem in Tamale. They are often challenged by socio cultural, service and economical factors. The disability Bill (act 2001) is not yet passed to allow them to have access to public places; employment, education, health facilities and transport are their main determinant of the disabled person’s access to health care. Disabled persons in the society are completely forgotten by the authorities and neglected by relatives and this affect their utilization of health services. The study method used was quantitative and qualitative; with the study design being cross sectional. Description of variables was made, whilst tables, charts and graphs were used for quantitative analysis, the sampling size used is 165 and the method of sampling was simple random and systematic sampling methods respectively. Confidence interval is 95%. The data collection technique was interviews, structural questionnaire and the use of secondary information. The result of the study revealed that there are more male disabled persons in Tamale than female. The findings also revealed that majority of the physically disabled have no formal education thus, (45.0%). A minute figure of (1.0%) has tertiary education whilst the number that has primary education (43.0%) drop out along the line. Their highest level of school attendance is primary (5). All these factors greatly affect the physically disabled access to health services; since education has a relationship to utilization of health services. Furthermore the nature of health facilities resulting in mobility difficulties within health facilities, as well as long queues came out as strong service restrictive factors to health services. Low incomes and lack of employment affect the physically disabled efforts to pay transport cost and service cost. Only 10% of the sampled disabled persons work in the formal sector, whilst 69% are not engaged in any income generating activity. Recommendations for policy initiatives such as the Government should formulate and implement policies, passage of the Disability Bill into law, making health delivery the work of health professionals, community, and household, and redesigning roads, health facilities and public places through ministry of roach and transport to make mobility and access to public places easier for disabled persons h ye been made. These organizations thus, GHS, CHRAJ, ADD, NCC E, and Department of Social Welfare should create awareness about disability to both the public and the disabled persons this will help reduce the stigma and me discrimination they currently face. Furthermore, education of the disabled persons will improve their utilization of health services; creation of a separate unit at the teaching hospital will ensure quick service and reduce the waiting times. Health professionals can also play a signifi.aat role by changing their attitude towards the physically challenged; a holistic approach however, is required to address the health needs of the disabled if we intend to improve access to health care for them.
A thesis is submitted to the Department of Community Health, College of Health Sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, 2005