An Investigation into Labour-Management Relations at Agricare Limited, Kumasi

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A good labour-management relation is a prerequisite for achieving an organization’s strategies and goals. Adversarial workplace relations are not in the interest of either employees or the enterprise. An investigation of the relationship between labour and management at Agricare Limited, Kumasi was carried out. Questionnaires which explored the open ended tool were administered and interviews conducted in addition. These activities were aimed at soliciting views on labour management relations at Agricare Limited. It was supplemented by literature from relevant sources. The study revealed that while watchful of their rights, both management and labour were actively adjusted to each other. Both management and labour were tolerant of each other and had learnt to live with each other even though the relationship was not always a happy one. The union challenge was somewhat moderate and management viewed the union as a channel of communication to employees rather than an obstacle to communication. It was also observed that a fair amount of comprise characterized the relationship between labour and management. The study made some recommendations to enhance labour-management relations as well as future studies on labour-management relations.
A Thesis submitted to the Department of Managerial Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration, 2008