Using the case study method to improve the problem solving skills of management students at Takoradi Polytechnic

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This action research is a study into bow effectively case study methodology can be used to improve the problem-solving skills of Management students at Takoradi Polytechnic. The research methodology was in three stages. The first stage comprised activities to collect data which described the nature of the problem under investigation — Evidence I data. The data gathering instruments which were used at this stage included questionnaires, interviews and a diagnostic test. Analysis of Evidence I data revealed that the problem-solving skills of students had not been sufficiently developed. It was established that the students could not use their knowledge of management principles and theories to solve practical problems. At the second stage of the methodology, the interventions stage, the case method of teaching was introduced. Students were taught how to identify problems and their causes, formulate alternative solutions, evaluate and compare the alternatives so that they could decide on the best alternative. Only written cases were used for this project. The students were given more case studies as exercises to help in developing their problem-solving skills. The final part of the methodology was an evaluation of the impact of the interventions. The data for this stage, Evidence II data, were collected with questionnaires, interviews, informal interactions, assignments, tests and examinations. The analysis of Evidence II data indicated that the case method had been effective in improving the problem- solving skills of the students. The quality of answers students produced improved as they were better able to identify problems and the causes, suggest possible solutions and select the best. They were also able to relate their answers to appropriate theories and principles and also explain them better. The conclusion was therefore drawn that the case method was successful in improving the problem-solving skills of Management students. This problem-solving skill when improved could be transferred to new situations including real-life situations.
A thesis submitted to the College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Science degree in technical Education, 2001