Veterinary drug residues in chicken parts from five selected poultry farms in the Kumasi Metropolitan, Offinso-South Municipality and Kwabre-East District of Ashanti Region- Ghana

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Samples of liver, kidney and muscles of chicken from three different Districts in Ashanti-region of Ghana were analyzed for veterinary drug residues (including albendazole, piperazine, tiamulin, chloramphenicol, levamisole, sulphathiazine, sulphamethoxazole and oxy-tetracycline) with HPLC equipped with photodiode array (PDA) detector. Homogenized samples were extracted using acetonitrile and cleanup on C-18 solid phase column.The average recoveries of the drug residues in veterinary drugs in chicken parts were in the range of 76.0-98.8%. The limit of detection was 0.01 μg/kg and the limit of quantification was 0.03 μg/kg for all the compounds. Offinso-South Municipality recorded the highest mean concentration of 1542.0±62.73 μg/kg drug residues and was closely followed by residues in liver samples from Kentinkrono (1424.0±49.82 μg/kg). Samples from Kwabre District showed the least level of accumulation (1328.0±16.68 μg/kg) residues in the liver and this was very close to the kidney residue accumulation in the same District. Kwabre District however recorded the highest concentrations of residues (1247.0±42.39 μg/kg) in the kidney followed by Offinso municipality. Kentinkrono had the least accumulation of veterinary drug residue in the kidney. The concentrations of residue in the muscles from all the five farms visited were insignificantly different (p ˂ 0.05). Offinso recorded the highest accumulation of 390.0±40.97 μg/kg closely followed by Kwabre, 374.8±47.11 μg/kg. Kentinkrono registered the lowest concentration of 343.7±35.85 μg/kg. Residues of all veterinary drugs were higher in liver and/or kidney tissue as compared tomuscle tissue. Liver parts registered the highest mean concentration (1455.0±85.7 μg/kg) followed by kidney parts which registered 887.5±45.8 μg/kg mean concentration. Muscle parts registered the lowest concentration (371.2±33.6) in all the farms. Levamisole present in the meat may pose risk to the consumers as their mean concentrations mostly exceeded the recommended JECFA MRLs. Chloramphenicol recorded highest global estimated chronic dietary exposure of 1.018 μg/kg body weight per day whiles albendazole and sulphathiazine registered 0.306 μg/kg body weight per day and 0.313 μg/kg body weight per day respectively. Chloramphenicol and levamisole were detected in all the samples. These chemicals that exceeded the recommended limits may pose health risk to the consuming public. Keywords: Poultry, veterinary drugs, residues, albendazole, piperazine, tiamulin, chloramphenicol, levamisole, sulphathiazine, sulphamethoxazole and oxy-tetracycline.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Chemistry, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil.) in Analytical Chemistry