Water quality evaluation of rivers “Simampa” and “Chirimfa, the major sources of water for the Mampong Headworks

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November, 2015
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Urban areas in developing countries are faced with various environmental problems as a result of rapid urbanization. Of major concern is the contamination of water bodies which are increasingly becoming sinks for environmental pollutants. However, to date only little is known about the pollutant levels in the two major rivers that feed the reservoir that is used by Ghana Water Company to supplies water to Mampong Municipality and its environs. The main objective of the work is water quality evaluation of rivers “Simampa” and “Chirimfa, the major sources of water for the Mampong headworks. Water samples were collected from January, 2014 to April 2014 monthly and were analyzed for physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters. The mean of each of the parameter was calculated monthly for each river and compared with standards. Correlation coefficient (r) for each river for some parameters was determined. For River Chirimfa there was almost perfect correlation between total alkalinity (T-Alk.) and nitrate (NO3-) (r = 0.998) and no correlation between magnesium hardness (Mg-H) and nitrate (NO3-) (r = 0). For River Simampa there was almost a positive perfect correlation between pH and iron (Fe) (r = 0.998) and very poor positive correlation between magnesium hardness (Mg-H) and nitrate (NO3-) (r = 0.004). All the physical parameters considered were within the limits given by World Health Organization (WHO) and Ghana Water Company (GWC) except true colour, apparent colour and turbidity which were above the limits provided by WHO and GWC. All the chemical parameters considered were below the available standards provided except total iron which was above the standard provided. The bacteriological parameters considered (total coliforms and faecal coliforms) were all above the standard provided by WHO and GWC.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Chemistry, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fufillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Analytical Chemistry,