Educational value of Manhyia Palace Museum Artefacts
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Manhyia palace museum artefacts have educational values and much of it is not known to the public and visitors. This study seeks to make a comprehensive research into the artefacts of the museum in order to unearth and document their educational values to the general public and the visitors to the museum. Qualitative research was used for the study and this helped the researcher to know the importance of the study especially when there was very little information or when there was no variable known. In this situation, qualitative research provided what needed to be studied and where the artefacts provided the history of Asante without written records. Some Manhyia palace museum artefacts that this study focuses on are the Akonnwa fofuo or the black stool replica, the Akrokrowa and Apakan. They are some of the solid evidence of Asante history, arts and culture that require extensive documentation and interpretation for academia. It is hoped that this study will serve as basis for further studies on Asante artefacts for the further development of this discourse within academia.
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Art Education