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The impact of selected macroeconomic variables on stock return in Ghana.
(KNUST, 2016-08) Sallah, Samuel Senyo
The study examines the impact of three macroeconomic variables (Treasury bill rate, Exchange rate and inflation rate) on stock returns, represented by the Ghana Stock Exchange Composite Index, in Ghana. The independent variable were cointegrated so after converting the variable into first difference, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) was used to analyse the long run and short run estimates of the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. A test of causality and impulse response existing between the variables was done to see if any of the variables granger causes GSE-CI and if shocks in any of the variables contribute to the fluctuations in the GSE-CI. It revealed that there was a negative relationship between the Treasury bill rate and Inflation rate and stock returns whiles there was a positive relationship between the exchange rate and the stock return. Also the kind of causality that exists was unidirectional causality from exchange rate to GSE-CI. Lastly shock in the GSE-CI (own shock) account for the greatest fluctuations in the stock return in Ghana.
Prevalence and identification of yam viruses responsible for seed yam degeneration in the Ejura-Sekyedumase and Atebubu-Amantin Districts of Ghana
(KNUST, 2018-11) Agyemang Marfo,Esther
ii ABSTRACT Yam viruses are reported to be widespread in all areas where yam is grown. In Ghana, viral diseases are known to cause about 50% of yield reduction on yam. It was for this reason that this research was carried out to manage yam viruses in Ghana. Surveys were conducted in the 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons in two major growing districts, Ejura-Sekyedumase and AtebubuAmantin of Ghana to determine the prevalence of yam virus. There was the need to identify the specific viruses producing the symptoms that were observed during the survey, as such symptomatic leaf samples were taken for analysis at the laboratory using RT-PCR. Out of the 40 leaf samples collected from each district, Ejura-Sekyedumase District had six mixed infections for both Yam mosaic virus (YMV) and Yam mild mosaic virus (YMMV) while eight single infections were recorded for YMMV. Atebubu-Amantin District had 10 mixed infections for both viruses and eight single infections for YMV. Molecular-based diagnostics techniques were also employed to monitor the health status of seven plants (Diosecorea rotundata Poir) established from positive selection, of which five of them did not amplify for any of the two viruses tested while two amplified for both viruses that were tested. Seed yams (‘Dente’, ‘Pona’ and ‘Laribako’) selected in 2015 from symptomless or mildly infected plants (positive selection), as well as those purchased from the Ejura market (farmer practice) and those selected from field diseased plants were established in field experiments in 2016 and 2017 cropping seasons at Ejura and Fumesua using a 3 x 3 factorial in randomized complete block design. The performances of the three seed yam sources were compared for their reaction to yam mosaic virus infection and tuber yield. The three white yam (D. rotundata) varieties used were; ‘Dente’, ‘Pona’ and ‘Laribako’. Plants raised from positive selection performed significantly (P<0.05) better with least virus percentage infection and disease severity scores irrespective of the variety. Positive selection Dente out-yielded farmer practice iii Dente and diseased Dente by 35 and 66.7% respectively in the 2016 cropping season at Ejura. Similar result was obtained at Fumesua with positive selection Dente out-yielding farmer practice and diseased seed yams by 32.6 and 60.7% respectively. In the 2017 cropping season, even though there was general yield reduction indicating loss of seed yam quality with time, similar trend occurred with positive selection plants performing significantly (P<0.05) better with least virus incidence and severity scores at both locations. Positive selection Laribako produced the highest yield at both locations. With farmers’ current practice of recycling seed yams from one season to another, this study showed that positive selection was a good approach to reducing virus load in farmers’ farms as well as reducing seed yam degeneration while maintaining fairly good yields.
The efficacy of neem seed oil extract and vegetable oil as insecticides for cowpea–weevil (callosobruchus maculatus) control
(KNUST, 2019-02) Abanga Paul
Callosobruchus maculatus, a major storage insect pest of cowpea, lays its eggs on the pods or sometimes on the seeds both in the field and in storage. The larva perforates the seeds and completes its life cycle there. It can cause loss, if not controlled in time. Other pests are Maruna spp and Laspeyresis spp. Storage pests are controlled by the use of recommended ii insecticides, vegetable oils, fumigation or heat treatment to the stored seeds. The objective of this project was to examine the effect of neem oil treatment on cowpea weevils as an alternative for preserving cowpea at storage. The experimental design for the study was Completely Randomized Design with three replications. Data collected included; grain damage, insect mortality; weight loss and number of survived insects. From the results, insect mortality was 100% for treated cowpea seed samples compared to the untreated sample; the control. The results indicated that the control treatment recorded high weight loss of 110 g, 240 g and 350 g for storage months of 1, 2, and 3 compared to the neem oil treatment [100:0] recording the lowest of 10 g, 20 g and 30 g for storage months 1, 2, and 3. The control treatment had the significantly highest percentage of seeds with holes of 36.87 %, 69.54 % and 94.67 % for storage months 1, 2, and 3 compared to the neem oil treatment which recorded 11.09 % 11.10 % and 11.16 % for storage months 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Study concluded that neem seed oil should be used to store cowpea grains to reduce weevil infestation.
Asante Art and Culture in the Administration of Asante Traditional Medicine in the Ashanti Region
(KNUST, 2020-10) Ababio, Stephen
ABSTRACT The primary aim of the study was to investigate the role art and culture play in the administration of traditional medicine in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, and to analyse the positive aspects of the medicine so as to help erase the negative perception that exists about it. The primarily intention of the study stems from the fact that art and cultural activities that serve as a vehicle for curing diseases have almost been completely overlooked when it comes to the analysis and appreciation of traditional medicine. Even though the arts and cultural elements are interwoven with the medicine, their linkage has not been appreciated by a large number of people to the point of even portraying it as evil or fetish. The qualitative method of collecting and analysing data was utilized. In the selection process, the respondents were first accessed by the help of the chain method. They were then purposively sampled and categorised into four different strata due to their varied characteristics. In all, a sample size of 90 was used for the study. Interviews and observation were the main data collection instruments used. Results showed that, the art and cultural elements are indispensable and have great medical ethos relevant to the medicine. The traditional medication is a doable platform for redeeming people physically, psychologically and spiritually. The medicine will forever be part and parcel of the people of Ashanti Region and for that matter Ghanaian healthcare delivery system, since it is practised in the context of the religion and forms part of the people‘s culture. In view of this, the government and the stakeholders should give recognition to these diviners and spiritual healers by dedicating special health facilities for them to operate in and providing them with the necessary needs like what they have been providing for the orthodox health centres. Moreover, the Ministry of Health with support from government and the stakeholders should affiliate the traditional numinous centres to the orthodox ones. These two centres should work hand in hand where spiritual cases which cannot be cured by the orthodox centres will be referred to the traditional hospital and vice versa.
The importance of the jubilee mall on the KNUST community, perspective of stakeholders.
New retail formats are growing at a rapid pace in Ghana and thus there remains a need among Ghanaians to understand the significance of these organized retail outlets to the various stakeholders. In view of this, the study assesses the effects of the Jubilee Mall on the KNUST community. Primary data were collected through the use of structured questionnaires which were designed and administered to students, tenants, university employees, spouses and children of campus residents and other users of the mall. Scheduled interviews were also used to obtain data from the owners, managers, estate manager and the Registrar of KNUST. The study made use both convenience and purposive sampling techniques to select a sample size of two hundred (200) students, forty (40) university employees, forty (40) spouses and children of campus residents, sixty five (65) residents of the community around KNUST, eleven (11) tenants, the Jubilee Mall Manager and the Registrar of KNUST. The evidence obtained indicated a positive and significant impact of activities of the KNUST community. the Jubilee Mall on the economic activities of the KNUST community. It was further found that the Jubilee Mall has a positive and insignificant impact on the social and employment For instance, the community (staff, students and campus residents) indicated that the Jubilee Mall has led to savings in transportation expenses, free parking, reduced prices of goods and services and increased tourism. However, the study revealed that HFC Bank is yet to obtain expected financial benefits because most of the shops were yet to be occupied. Again, the Mall has not contributed to the employment of the residents of the local community because employment were not done with due preference to the residents of the community. Majority (45.5%) of the tenants indicated that the level of patronage of their businesses was normal. It is therefore concluded that Jubilee Mall has a positive impact on the economic, social and employment activities of the KNUST community, however the level of impacts on both social and employment activities are not significant. It is recommended that the managers of the mall (HFC Bank) must increase their promotional activities to create public awareness of the existence of the Mall.
Examining the financial management practices at Kumasi Senior High Technical School, Kumasi High School and St. Louis Senior High School.
The study examines the practices of financial management in senior high schools within Kumasi Metropolis using Kumasi High School, Kumasi Senior High Technical School and St. Louis Senior High School as case studies. It was also aimed at revealing the main sources of finance to senior high schools and the financial management challenges faced by senior high schools. Descriptive research design is employed for the study and questionnaire is used for the data collection. The findings of the study indicate that senior high schools have been practising financial management with regards to budgeting, auditing, financial accounting and financial controls but there are some lapses such as not involving all key stakeholders in budget preparation and not communicating the budget. Again, auditing is being done in the schools but inventories are not carried out regularly. It is also found that financial records are kept but not all payments are made with cheques. The study also found that school fees, government budget allocation and the contribution of PTA are the main sources of finance to senior high schools. The study has discovered various financial management challenges confronting the schools including delay in government budget allocation to schools, parents being reluctant to pay fees and head teachers alone awarding contracts. The study recommends to the schools to involve all stakeholders (teachers, parents, students, non-teaching staff and government representatives) when preparing budgets. Termly inventory of all the materials, items and assets of the school is being recommended. It is also recommended to the government of Ghana through the Ministry of Education to as much as possible be committed to the budgetary allocations to senior high schools and release them on time.
Analysis of electrical power usage in houses using smart electrical distribution switch
(KNUST, 2019-10) Fofie,Kofi
There is high demand for electrical energy because electrical energy is very important in both industrial and domestic activities and that has call for the introduction of different energy meters by various electricity companies. In Ghana families living in large and compound houses wish to have separate energy meters from other occupants. This is because individual’s cannot monitor and control the energy consumption of each individual and that brings misunderstanding in energy bill sharing which also brings about a household having about ten energy meters causing overcrowding of energy meters on the wall of a building which makes the wall loses its beauty and there is likelihood of fire outbreak in the house because the wires are not well arranged. Moreover, energy companies need huge sum of money and labour to produce more energy meters and this can cause financial loss to the energy companies. This has therefore call for the introduction of smart distribution switch which will enhance the monitoring and adequate sharing of energy purchased by the household base on the amount paid by each of the users of the meter. The amount paid will be entered into the system that will be stored on EPROM of a microcontroller that will reduce each consumer’s energy base on the rate of consumption. The smart distribution switch may have different switches allocated to each user which monitor the consumption rate of each user. It will then isolate the user connected to a line out when he /she completely consumes his share.