An Investigation into the Drivers of Household’s Electricity Conservation in the Kumasi Metropolis.
May, 2016
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This study investigates into the main determinants of household electricity conservation pattern in the Kumasi Metropolis. This study was limited to selected communities within the Kumasi metropolis which included Ayigya, Amakom, Ayeduase and Bomso one hundred household units were selected for interview. In the empirical analysis, household energy conserving choices model is employed, using a discrete and a latent trait variable respectively as a dependent variable. The results show that socioeconomic variables such as household’s monthly income and awareness on electricity conservation policies had an impact on the differences in household’s conservation choices. In addition, the results showed that variables such as age, level of education, monthly expenditure and household size had no significant relationship with electricity conservation The assessment of households on their general understanding and awareness on the energy conservation and efficiency regulations were poor as majority of respondents interviewed show to have little or no enlightenment on the benefits of conserving electricity and investing into the usage of efficient appliances. Based on the results the study suggested further education to be made on the benefits of conserving electricity and the use of efficient home appliance to the households which can motivate them to take actions to conserve electricity in their home which is the predominant source of power for most households in the Kumasi Metropolis. Also policy makers and stakeholders should focus on the income of households when designing policies to model an electricity conserving behaviour as income appears to significantly influence electricity conservation.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Economics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
In partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of
Master Of Science In Economics,
Energy and Resource Economics