Re-appraisal of Water Supply Systems on the River Densu

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The development of Multisite Water Supply Systems based on abstraction from major rivers in Ghana has often been carried out without prior detailed and integrated river basin studies. The Densu River, which typifies this problem, has been studied in this work as a test case to analyse; and evaluate alternative investment schemes for water supply as well as to solve problems of water regulation, allocation and management within the basin. Using techniques of systems analysis this dissertation has shown that even though the water resources of the Densu River abound, the distribution within the year is poor and therefore requires regulation to meet varying demands along its stretch. Evaluating various feasible alternative design schemes for improved water supply to Koforidua and Nsawam and studies of the operation of the existing Weija reservoir in Accra indicated that it is economically more attractive to build one impounding reservoir at Koforidua to cater for the Water Supply demands of the two towns, It has also been shown that the Weija Reservoir System is not jeopardized by increased abstraction upstream.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering