Improving Waste Logistics in Kumasi Metropolitan Area
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In the light of recent discussions about cost and environmental effectiveness of waste managementstructures, the cost involved in the management of municipal solid waste in Kumasi at present is vey huge due to uncontrolled urbanization. Large quantities of waste are generated daily in Kumasi, and this exerts much pressure on an-over strained solid waste management system. Therefore waste logistics models are needed to describe the influences and complex interactions within the entire waste managementchain. This study looked at waste collection and disposal systems using four different models in the city of Kumasi. The study was conducted on the four waste collection models using structured questionnaires and personal interviews. In all, a total of 180 households were randomly sampled and interviewed in the Kumasi metropolis to understand how waste is collected, transported and disposed off. Another set of questionnaires were administered to interview all the stakeholders that were involved in the collection, transportation and disposal of waste in the metropolis. Each model was identified by city authorities and each of these models was traced in two sub metropolis. The geographical locations of all the collection points, transportation routes and the disposal points were identified using the global positioning system (GPS) to develop the logistics map of Kumasi. The results of the collection points were plotted in the digital map of Kumasi using GIS to develop the waste logistics map of Kumasi.
The results of the study showed that, only households registered under the house to house collection system were provided with collection materials but the residents did not like the collection system because its mode of waste collection was not frequent. The households under the KNUST waste collection system were very satisfied with
the collection system because the collection was done every day. The results also revealed that, all the waste collected by waste collection companies are transported to the landfill for disposal. The only recyclables picked by rag pickers at the landfills are plastics and metals. The rag pickers collect these materials and sell them to middlemen who then transport these materials to Tema for processing. The study also revealed that Kumasi metropolis had no recycling centre and nutrient and energy recovery centre where these waste can be utilized.
A MSC Thesis Submitted to the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRO-ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING