Eco-Friendly Packaging in Restaurants in Accra - Application, Attitudes and Challenges
October, 2016
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The use of eco-friendly packaging in the food industry has the potential of ensuring the replacement of non- renewable resources with renewable materials and again reducing the burden of non-degradable waste on landfills. It also has the advantage of introducing innovativeness in the food sector. The application, attitudes and challenges of eco-friendly packaging in restaurants were investigated in this study. A cross sectional survey with a semi structured questionnaire was used. The work revealed 30.3% application of biodegradable food package mainly in the form of paper boxes and envelops for pastries and fried chicken. There was a positive attitude towards the introduction of a new packaging material which is eco-friendly. However, the awareness and communication needs to be increased. The restaurants perceived price (cost) of packaging, communication, awareness and marketing to be the likely challenges to the application of the technology. The ability of the packaging material to contain the food as best as the petrochemical alternative was cited. There is the potential to reduce petrochemical based waste packaging materials in the environment through the implementation of an innovative packaging technology in the food sector which serves every individual in the country considering the life style of the average Ghanaian.
This Dissertation is presented to the Department of Food Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Msc. Degree in Food Quality Management,