Household Access to Water and Sanitation Facilities: A Case Study of the Offinso South Municipality
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Good water and sanitation promote good health and enhances national development. This
study was conducted in Offinso South Municipality to investigate the challenges households
faced in accessing good drinking water and sanitation facilities. The study depended on
primary data collected from the field through questionnaire administration and secondary data
from the Offinso South Municipal Assembly. Water samples were collected for three
consecutive months from hand-dug well, pipe-borne water from GWCL, mechanised
boreholes, spring and river for water quality analyses. The results revealed that only 29.9% of
the households have access to pipe-borne water with greater majority (40%) depending on
mechanised boreholes for drinking water. The low income earners spend more of their
income on water (30%) than the high income earners (15%). The results also indicated that
only 20% of the households have access to good sanitation in their homes whereas a greater
majority of the household (80%) use pit latrine outside their homes. It is therefore
recommended that the Municipal Assembly must focus on extending pipe-borne water to the
communities and also educate households to provide toilets in their homes.
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Master of Science in Environmental Science.