Factors that contribute to non-adherence to oral hypoglycaemic therapy among type II diabetic patients at South Suntreso hospital
September, 2019
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Diabetes is a non-communicable and chronic disease that currently contributes to a large and
significant proportion of all global mortalities regardless of levels of economic achievement. The
adherence of medication for the diabetes has become a problem for many patients. Therefore,
this study was to evaluate adherence to oral hypoglycaemic agents (OHAs) among patients
attending the diabetes centre at the Suntreso Government Hospital in Kumasi.
A cross sectional study where descriptive research method was adopted. Both quantitative and
qualitative methods were used to obtain data from the participants. The study population were
diabetic patients seeking for treatment at the Suntreso Government Hospital. A sample size of
200 diabetic patients were simple randomly selected. Data was obtained through the use of
questionnaires and measurement of the fasting blood glucose of diabetic patients. Data was
analysed using a STATA v 16.
It is identified in the study that the mean age of the diabetic patients was 58.75 ± 0.75 years and
also the female patients made up the larger proportion of patients in this current study. Moreover,
it was realized that the average fasting blood glucose levels of participants was 8.84 ± 0.29
mmol/l where most of them have been diagnosed of the disease for 1-3 years. The medication
predominantly used by participants (71%) was Metformin, however, their rate of adherence to
the medications was suboptimal (61%). Irrespective of their quiet impressive rate of adherence to
medication, most of the participants have been diagnosed of other chronic conditions such as
hypertension and depression. The major barriers toward adherence to OHAs by diabetic patients are drug-related and provider, social, and individuals factors. Conclusively, it is identified in this
study that a significant relationship at 5% significance level exist between non-adherence to
OHAs medication and gender, education, marital status, religion, and monthly income of the
diabetic patients.
The adherence rate of OHAs medication among type 2 diabetic patients was good, however,
much improvement is required to help derail the barriers confronting the adherence of
medication among type 2 diabetic patients.
A dissertation submitted to the School of Graduates Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment for the award of Mph in Health Services Planning and Management.
Oral hypoglycaemic therapy, OHAs, Patients, type II diabetic patients