Determinants of appropriate insecticide treated nets (ITNs) use in malaria control in children under five years in Peri-Uran areas of Kumasi (A case of Asokwa Sub-Metropolitan Area)
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Background :
Malaria remains the number one public health problem. Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) is one of the established methods of malaria control. However, inappropriate ITNs usage reduces their effectiveness in malaria control. Ample evidence of this is farfetched through very integral policy input. This study sought to provide empirical evidence on determinants of appropriate ITNs use to inform policy.
A cross sectional study was designed and conducted in five communities in the Asokwa Sub-Metropolitan Area, Kumasi, Ghana, with randomly selected 500 mothers and caregivers for interview with the aid of questionnaire from May – September 2010. Logistic regressions were used to examine the predictors of appropriate ITNs use at 95% confidence interval.
The study found that 50% of the participants owned ITNs, and of this only 67% used it the night before the study. While 39% of the total population did not own any ITN at all, 21% of those who owned the nets did not use them appropriately. The key predictors of appropriate use were found to be income levels, health seeking behaviours of caregivers and the room structure of participants.
Appropriate ITN use in the study area is determined by a group of factors; background characteristics of household, socio-economic status and environmental factors. Strengthening health education on the benefits and importance of appropriate ITN use and improving socio-economic status of mothers and caregivers is likely to improve appropriate ITNs use.
A thesis submitted to the School of Research and Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ghana in partial fulfilment for the award of Masters in Public Health (Health Education and Promotion)