Evaluation of performance of the Clariflocculators at the Barikese waterworks

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This study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of the Barikese Treatment Plant and to investigate the prospects of introducing sludge recycling into the existing plant. The results of settling column studies, analysis of water production data, and batch laboratory tests conducted have been presented. In the column studies, the low turbidity but highly coloured and algal-laden raw water abstracted for treatment at the waterworks was used to evaluate the performance of the clariflocculators. Results of the analysis of the column tests compared well with the plant performance. Records on raw water flow, treated water pumped to the supply areas, water used in treatment and alum consumption for the period 1978 — 1988 were also investigated to establish trends. Alum consumption was found to be increasing and that it increases with increasing raw water flow and the extent of deterioration in the raw water quality. Water losses within the plant were found to be on the increase for the past three years. Sludge recycling tests conducted to find its effects on the plant operations also showed promising results. Among other process advantages, sludge recycling offers reduction in alum dosage. However, the heavy investment involve especially in the initial stages, makes it less economical to practise it at Barikese.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering