Assessment of intersectoral collaboration towards health care development: a case study in Offinso District.

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The objective of the Ministry of health (MOH) is to improve the health status of all Ghanaians. Success in achieving this objective requires the MOH forging linkages with other partners in health development to provide an effective multisectoral approach to health development. The main objective of the study was to determine and assess the general level of co-ordination and co-operation of MOH (DHMT) with other health related Ministries /Departments / Agencies (MDAs) towards health care development in the Offinso District and to make appropriate recommendations that would make intersectoral collaboration (ISC) towards health care development more effective. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional type using qualitative research methods. The sampling was both purposive and random. The main techniques used for data collection were; review of documents, individual interviews and questionnaire administration. The main finding were that, MDAs have a high perception and attitude towards forging partnership with the MOH (DHMT), however, their level of commitment for the success of the collaborative venture is woefully inadequate and the problem is worsen by the lack of clear cut policies to guide the operation of these collaboration processes. Nevertheless, MOH (DHMT) motivational efforts to instigate other MDAs towards forging these partnerships were also no forth coming. The study therefore recommends the District assembly to develop more vibrant institutional and administrative reforms to co-ordinate the present sectoral and vertical programmes towards horizontal linkages between sectors. The health sector should also assist other sectors in monitoring and evaluating the health impact of development projects.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Community Health, School of Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of in Health Services Planning and Management, 2002