Determinants of Anaemia in Pregnant Women in Peri-Urban Kumasi in the Ashanti Region
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A field survey was conducted to investigate the causes of anaemia in pregnant women in peri-urban communities of North Suntreso and Pramso in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Three hundred pregnant women attending antenatal were studied in both areas. Blood samples of participants were collected to determine serum ferritin levels, malaria parasitimia and haemoglobin concentration. Stool examination was also conducted to determine the presence or otherwise of parasitic intestinal worms. Questionnaires were administered to obtain information on the socio-demographic characteristics of participants. Majority of the participants (43.6% and 71.3% for Pramso and South respectively) were anaemic with Hb below 10g/dl. Mean ferritin levels ranged between zero and 275 microliters. Malaria parasitaemia was of a high prevalence (56.4% and 68.3%) among the participants in Pramso and North Suntreso respectively. There was a significant association between the knowledge of transmission and prevention and malaria parasitaemia. However no significant association was found between the low helminth parasitaemia recorded (P < 0.005) and anaemia.
There is the need for education on the contributory factors to anaemia especially, iron deficiency anaemia.
A Thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Environmental Science, February-2011