Application Of Euler’s Phi-Function In Abstract Algebra
Euler’s phi – function ϕ(n) is defined for every positive integer n as follows: ϕ(1)=1 and whenn≥2then ϕ(n) is the number of distinct integers k∈{1,2,…,n-1}such that k and n are relatively prime.
This thesis seeks to examine the application of Euler’s phi-function in the study of cyclic groups, field extensions and cyclotomic polynomials of a finite field.
Euler’s phi – function ϕ(n) is defined for every positive integer n as follows: ϕ(1)=1 and whenn≥2then ϕ(n) is the number of distinct integers k∈{1,2,…,n-1}such that k and n are relatively prime.
This thesis seeks to examine the application of Euler’s phi-function in the study of cyclic groups, field extensions and cyclotomic polynomials of a finite field.
A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Mathematics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Philosophy in Pure Mathematics, April-2014