Establishing a Geodetic Reference Network in Montserrado County – Liberia, using GNSS Technology
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This project created a reliable first order geodetic reference network within Montserrado
County. The newly established reference network consists of six (6) primary points, covering an area of approximately 11.693Km2 with an average separation of about 8Km. The new network monuments are made of reinforced concrete, solidly cemented in the ground with
metal caps (brass markers), and coordinated using the static carrier phase differential GPS measurement. Several observation sessions were conducted and processed to compute 3D coordinates for the network. Post processed data was rigorously adjusted using Least Squares and found to have met the distance accuracy specifications for a first order network(1:100,000). Final coordinates are left in the WGS84 frame to be transformed to Liberia’s local grid when parameters are available, and are within a mean accuracy of ±0.05m.This master thesis is a description of how this geodetic reference network was established;giving detailed explanation of the individual activities that culminated into the finished
coordinates for the network.
A thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of
Science Degree in Geomatic Engineering at the Department of Geomatic Engineering of the Faculty of Civil and Geomatic
Engineering, College of Engineering. 2013