Occupational injuries among healthcare workers in Suntreso district hospital in Ashanti region, Ghana
JUNE, 2019
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Occupational health is defined as the highest degree of physical, mental and social wellbeing of
workers in all occupations. Healthcare workers are exposed to various blood pathogens such as
Hepatitis B and C virus, HIV and other occupational injuries such as violence from patients
and patients relatives, biological and chemical hazards, others experience psychological trauma
like fear, anxiety of infection and post exposure of body fluids. The lack of credible data
hampers efforts to improve workplace safety especially in developing countries including
Ghana, for these reasons occupational injuries are not recognised as public health priority.
The main objective was to assess the prevalence rate of the most common occupational injuries
and the group of healthcare workers at risk. To examine the awareness and knowledge of
occupational health and safety measures.
The study was a hospital-based with a cross-sectional design study which used a simple
random sampling technique. Quantitative method through a well-structured questionnaire with
both opened and closed questions was administered. Participation of respondents was
voluntary. The study was conducted within 3month duration. It consisted of 246 respondents
which represented about 75% of the HCWS at the facility. Data was entered and analysed by
Stata. Binary logistic regression and chi square for categorical variables was done and alpha
was set at 0.05.
The prevalence rate of occupational injury was 29.7% among the respondents of 12months
prior to the study with the commonest injury been cuts from sharps, followed by needle prick
injuries and musculoskeletal disorders. , married workers were 62 percent less [AOR = 0.62;
95% CI. = 0.30-3.62] likely to suffer from injury compared to workers who are single. The risk
to injury was 3.8 times higher for nurses [AOR = 3.80; 95% CI = 0.87-1.98] compared to
laboratory assistants [AOR = 1.98 95% CI. = 0.41-9.40], physicians [AOR = 1.82; 95% CI. =
0.50-5.62] and nonclinical staff. Also working on shift termed as stressful exposes a worker to
injury at 2.23 times [AOR = 2.23; 95% CI. = 1.22-5.23] compared to those who do not. Sociodemographic variables such as age, gender, ethnicity and work experience were statistically
insignificant to the occurrence of injury.
Occupational injuries especially cuts by sharps, needle pricks and musculoskeletal disorders
were the most reported injuries among the HCWs. Adequate training on occupational health
and safety is recommended. Stress related factors such as excessive workload, shortage of
staff must be improved at the hospital. Medical surveillance policy for all health care workers
must be enforced by the Ministry of Health and Ghana Health Service to ensure the wellbeing
of workers.
A thesis submitted to the Department of population, Family and Reproductive Health, School of Public Health ,College of Health Sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Public Health in Population and Reproductive Health.
Injuries among healthcare workers, Suntreso District Hospital, Ashanti region