Socio-economic determinants of antenatal care utilisation of pregnant mothers in selected health facilities in the Kwabre East District of Ghana
JUNE, 2016
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Access to quality health care remains a major challenge in the efforts at reversing maternal morbidity and mortality. Despite the availability of established maternal health interventions, the health of the expectant mother and the unborn child remains poor due to low utilisation of interventions. The study examined the socio-economic determinants of antenatal care utilisation in peri-urban Kumasi. The study employed cross-sectional analytic design using structured questionnaire and an interview section. Using four health facilities, a total number of 200 pregnant women were randomly sampled by the proportionate stratified sampling. In addition, percentages, frequencies, pie charts, bars and cross tabulation are used in analysing field data. In addition, data were analysed using multiple regression and significance levels of 1%, 5% and 10% were considered. The results showed varying utilization of antenatal care with age, household size and occupational status as important socio-economic determinants while distance to ANC, quality of service and service satisfaction were significant system factors that influenced utiltisation of antenatal care among pregnant women in the study area. The study concludes that socio-economic and health system factors are important determinants of antenatal care utilsation. Stepping up of interventions aimed at improving the socio-economic status and addressing health system and proximity challenges could be helpful.
A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Extension, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Philosophy.