Mine accidents – a case study at Teberebie Goldfields Limited, Tarkwa

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Two fatalities in six months and a hundred percent increase in the number of accidents from 1996 (56) to 1998 (107) have been a source of worry for Teberebie Goldfields management. Effective accident prevention measures, however, required a study of the accident trends at the mine to identify the problem areas. The objective of this case study at Teberebie Goldfields Limited is therefore to analyse the mine accident data with a view to highlighting trends that would have much relevance in promoting accident-free mine operations at other surface mines operating under similar conditions. Relevant data was collected and analysed in terms of accident types, age brackets, activity and period. The study revealed that lack of experience, seasonal effects and social factors accounted for the high rates of accidents at Teberebie Goldfields. It is recommended that increased supervision, safety audits and inspections and intensified training could be used to reduce accidents at other mines operating in similar conditions.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Mining Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Science in Mining Engineering.