An integrated grade controlled mining system for steeply dipping areas at Tarkwa Goldfields Limited.
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At Tarkwa Goldfields Limited (TGL) it is observed that a persistent difference exists between the estimated, mining and mill head grades. the causes of these disparities could be that the “weighted average” method used in the ore reserve estimation does not give the true estimates of the grade and tonnage of the ore body, and that the mining methods currently in use give much room for dilution and ore losses.
This thesis reviews the current ore reserve estimation method and investigates the applicability of geostatistictics an alternative estimation method that would provide the true grades and tonnages of the stoping blocks well ahead of mining to assist in mine planning.
A modification in the current mining methods to minimise ore losses and dilution is also presented.
In order that the mill is fed with a consistent ore grade, a blending programme has been developed in the course of this thesis that enables the determination of the tonnages of ore from various blocks or draw points at different grades to be mixed so as to obtain the mill head grade of 3.2 dwt/ton (5.43 gramme/tonne) considered to be appropriate for optimal plant performance.
It is suggested that the use of geostatistics in ore reserve estimation, application of the proposed modified
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Postgraduate Professional Diploma in Mining Engineering,