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- ItemAnalysis of the impact of macroeconomic variables on exchange rate volatility in Ghana: the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach.(KNUST, 2016-09) GYAPONG, EDDIE YAWThe research work focuses on the analysis of the impact of key macroeconomic variables (Inflation (INF), Monetary Policy Rate (MPR), Current Account Balance (CAB), Money and Quasi Money Supply per GDP (M2GDP), Annual GDP Growth Rate (GDPGRO), Total External Debt (EDBTOT)) on the Cedi to the US dollar Exchange Rate (EXRATE).The Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling Approach has been used to analyse the annual secondary data from 1975 to 2014. The macroeconomic variables explained 82% of the adjusted variance in EXRATE with MPR, INF and CAB contributing 8.2%, 10.5% and 19.2% respectively. M2GDP, EDBTOT and GDPGRO contributed 15%, 14.9% and 15.1% respectively to the explained variance in EXRATE. MPR, INF and CAB have negative relationship with EXRATE whiles M2GDP, EDBTOT and GDPGRO have positive relationship with EXRATE.. Among the recommendations, financial managers of national and multinational companies should be abreast with the movements of these macroeconomic variables that significantly impact the cedi/dollar fluctuations. These may be used among other factors as inputs in arriving at much more economic decisions during trade agreements to maximise shareholders wealth.
- ItemA comparative analysis of the effect of employees’ commitment on organisational performance (a case study of some selected private and public banks in Kumasi).(KNUST, 2016-11) Kyei, ElvisThe world is in a dilemma as to the disparities in commitment among the private and the public sector. It is premised upon this backdrop that the study was conducted to undertake a comparative analysis of what determines employees commitment to work and its effect on organizational performance among the private and the public sector. The objectives of the study were to identify any difference in employees’ commitment between public and private sector employees and to assess the effect of employees’ commitment on organizational performance. The literature review looked at the types of commitment, commitment and work behaviour, organisational actions that encourage commitment and drivers of employee commitment as well as job satisfaction. A simple random sampling method was used to select a sample size of 100 in the administration of questionnaires. Primary Data was gathered through the administration of questionnaires from employees. Data collected was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study found that there exists a statistically significant difference between the commitment of employees in public and private institutions. The study further revealed that there exist a positive but statistically significant elationship between employee commitment and organisational performance. Further, the study found that there exists a strong, positive and statistically significant relationship between employee satisfaction, employee commitment and organisational performance as well as job satisfaction. It was recommended performance based reward system be put in place to replace the current salary structure to encourage commitment among employees. Also, targets should be set for employees so that commitment can be channeled towards meeting targets. Lastly, intrinsic motivational factors should be implemented to boost employee self-motivation.
- ItemThe relationship between institutional culture and employee commitment in public tertiary institutions; a case study of the Kumasi Polytechnic – Ghana.(KNUST, 2016-09) KUSI-OWUSU, EMELIAIt is the wish of every organisation to understand its own dynamic culture so that managers can capitalise on the insights generated by the cultural perspective to wield greater control over their organisations. The general aim of this study was to analyse the organizational culture and employee commitment of the Kumasi Polytechnic. The data used in this study was a primary data collected from staff of the Kumasi Polytechnic. A total of 100 responses questionnaire were collected through Stratified sampling technique with specific interest on the four categories of staff of the Polytechnic. The study found that72% of the staff were below 40years. This meant that a majority of the staff had about 20 more working years ahead of them before retiring. It was also found that out of seven (7) determinants of desired institutional culture, four (4) were found to be most revered. These 4 included meeting the need of superiors, challenges and innovative ways of undertaking such tasks, competence and loyalty to superiors and going the extra mile to achieve good results. For the measurement of staff commitment, it was found that the staff of the Polytechnic demonstrated a strong commitment to the growth of the institution. Finally, the study found a statistically significant relationship between the organizational culture of the Polytechnic and the commitment of her staff. It is therefore recommend that if Management of the Polytechnic wants a greater commitment from its staff, then it should continually promote a stress free and conducive working environment for all staff.
- ItemTraining as a tool for enhancing employee’s performance (a case study of Garden City University College, Kenyase –Kumasi).(KNUST, 2016-06) HOLDBROOK, DOROTHY MARYA highly productive institution and well constituted employees is the hallmark of any successful entity. This study therefore sought to examine training as a tool for enhancing employees’ performance of Garden City University College, (GCUC). This research employed both descriptive and exploratory research techniques to answer the research questions in line with achieving its set objectives. As a result, a target population of staff and management of the institution categorized into management and employees served as the source of data. A sample size of 50 employees comprising both academic and nonacademic staff of GCUC was used using stratified and simple random technique employed in selecting respondents. Data collection was with a well formulated questionnaire and face-to-face semi-structured interview guide and data analysis completed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20.0. The study found out that staff were mostly aged between 41-50 years, majority of them were married. Trainings that were mostly organized were on-the-job training; where coaching was mostly done. It was also found that majority of employees of GCUC affirmed that the on-the-job training has upgraded their performance. Challenges to training were identified to be that some of the employees were not given the right training which was as a result of lack of strategic planning by the management. Implementation of skills and knowledge was not always attained. The study concludes that training was indispensable in enhancing and promoting performance but the proper training planning was not effectively done. It is recommended that strategic planning should be done by a well constituted training planning committee. Experts should be employed to give high grade training on technological devices, customer care and interpersonal relationship of employees.
- ItemThe effects of leadership styles and job demands on employees’ job performance (a case study of some selected banks in Kumasi).(KNUST, 2016-08) ACHEAMPONG, DORIS SERWAHOrganisations are faced with increasing and throat cutting competition from their competitors both locally and internationally due to globalisation and the quest for businesses to become market leaders. This poses many diverse challenges in the achievement of organizational objectives. Effective leadership and employee job performance are two factors that have been regarded as fundamental for organizational success. The main objective of this study was therefore to investigate the effects of leadership styles and job demands on the performance of employees in the banking sector using selected banks in Kumasi. In achieving the objective of the study, responses were gathered from 150 employees from 4 selected banks using a structured questionnaire. Data obtained from the questionnaire was subjected to correlation and multiple linear regression analyses after Exploratory Factor Analysis on the styles of leadership were conducted. The study found that the sector is dominated by females, 67% and majority were 51 years and above. The study had 44% of its respondents from the Ghana Commercial Bank (GBC). Findings on leadership style adopted by banks revealed that the dominant leadership style at the banks is the transformational style of leadership. The study found that although transformational style of leadership was the predominant leadership style displayed by the management of the banks, transactional leadership style is shown to have a greater impact on the performance of employees. The study concludes that work related demands on leaders are not burdensome to impact negatively on their performance. The study further found that job demand and job resources have no significant correlation on employees’ performance. It was recommended that the management of banks should consider adopting transactional form of leadership and adopt measures to gradually increase the responsibilities and engagements of their employees in order to raise the overall performance of the banks.