Knowledge, availability and utilization of long lasting insecticide treated bed net among pregnant women in Kaneshie
September, 2019
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Background: Malaria is a disease which is caused by the plasmodium parasites in the blood or
it ssuesiofihumans. iIni2012, igovernmentiofiGhana idistributedibednetsitoipregnantiwomeniiniorder
to reduce the transmission of malaria. Though there was a massive distribution alliover the
icountry, ithe iconsistent iuse iof ithe iLong iLasting iInsecticide itreated iNet i(LLIN) iisilow. iThusithis
istudy iwasidone ito ifind iout ithe iuse iof iLLIN iamong ipregnant iwomen iin ithe iKaneshie iPolyclinic
iMethod: iA ifacility ibased icross-sectional istudy iinvolving i227 ipregnant iwas icarried iout iat
iKaneshie iPolyclinic iin iApril ito iAugust i2019. i277 irespondents iwere isampled iusing ipurposive
isampling ifrom iamong ithose iwho iattend iAnte-Natal iclinic iin iKaneshie iPolyclinic. iData iwas
icollected iusing ia iquestionnaire idesigned iin iOpen iData iKit i(ODK)iand ianalysed iusing iexcel. iThe
Results:iAitotal iofi227 irespondentsiwere iinvolved iin ithe istudy. iThe imean iage iofithe irespondents
iwasi35 iyears. iThe imajority iofipregnant iwomen i(91.19%)i(204)i iwho iattended iANCiat iKaneshie
iPolyclinic ihad iknowledge iabout itransmission iof imalaria. iMost iof ithem i(78.18%) ihad ivery igood
iknowledge iabout iLLIN iuse iand ithat iwasisignificant. iSome iofithe iparticipantsi[38.33% i(87)] ihad
imisconceptions iabout ithe iuse iof iLLIN. iDespite itheir ihigh ilevel iof iknowledge iabout imalaria
itransmission iand iuse iofiLLIN, ithe ilevel iofiusage iofiLLIN iamong ithe ipregnant iwasilow i68.28%.
iMajority iof ithe irespondents iwere iof ithe iview ithat ithey iuse ithe inet ibecause imalaria iwill inot ikill
Conclusion:iIniconclusion, iaccessibilityioffiLLINiisiveryihighiyetiunitizationiwasiveryilowi
A thesis submitted to the School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of a Bachelor Degree in Public Health.
Knowledge, availability, Insecticide, Bed net, Pregnant women, Kaneshie