. Reducing energy consumption of air-conditioners in warm-humid climates through desiccant cooling - a CFD study
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The ambient temperature and relative humidity in hot-humid climates, particularly in most
countries in sub-Saharan Africa, can get as high as 41 °C and 84%, respectively. For indoor thermal
comfort for people, temperature of 20–25 °C and relative humidity of 50–55% should be
maintained. Air-conditioners that operate with vapour compression cycle are used to maintain such
conditions. In conventional Vapour Compression Systems (VCS), inlet air is cooled below its dew
point for dehumidification and then reheated again to obtain air flow with desired temperature and
humidity. This process of dehumidification and reheating is inefficient and leads to high
consumption of energy. In Desiccant Cooling Systems, dehumidification of air is done by utilizing
desiccant material to get desirable humidity and then the dry air is cooled by evaporation method
or cooling coils down to suitable temperature. The process of using desiccant to control the air
humidity before the air-conditioning process makes the system more energy efficient. In this work,
a CFD study has been conducted to ascertain how desiccant can be used to reduce the relative
humidity of air prior to the air-conditioning process. The CFD simulations were conducted using
TRNSYS software with input data from the Typical Metrological Year (TMY) data for Kumasi.
The results show that the desiccant system is able to reduce the cooling load of a selected inefficient
VCS in an office in Kumasi by as much as 65%. In addition, analysis in this study has shown that
there is potential electricity savings of 2406 kWh/year with the desiccant cooling system over the
conventional VCS.
A Thesis submitted to the School of Graduate studies Ghana In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF PHILSOPHY IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Department of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering