Community involvement in monitoring and evaluation - a case study of Adra health projects in the Nkoranza District, Ghana

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This document presents the objectives, methodology, findings and conclusion of a study carried out in the Nkoranza District in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana between August and November 2000. The focus of study is the health component of ADRA DAP, in which members of the Agro-forestry programme of ADRA are involved. The main objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of community involvement in M&E. The basic assumption of the study is that the higher the involvement of the project communities in M&E, the more effective is the participatory M&E management of the health project. The study is an exploratory one, using a cross-sectional retrospective qualitative method. Data were collected using a questionnaire instrument and the responses were recorded on a tape recorder for later collation and analysis. In addition, Focus Group Discussions (F.G.D.) were held with project group members to assess views on their contribution to M&E. Apart from the above, there were also reviews of ADRA DAP and the Mid-term Evaluation Document that were submitted to ADRA-CO in January, 2000. The conceptual framework has the M&E process component, as the channel to an effective M&E management of the health project. The study shows that for M&E planning and M&E co-ordination, eight out of 20 project groups (40 percent) each was involved. Twelve and 15 out of twenty project groups were involved in the internal M&E organisation and M&E actions respectively in the health project. The research also attested to the fact that project groups actively participated in the M&E process components of M&E scheduling, reviews, corrective actions and feedback. It was recommended that project groups partake more in the planning and co-ordination functions of internal management of monitoring and evaluation. Community involvement in the M&E process was a critical factor to community performance in the health project. Community involvement in the M&E was described as satisfactory, using the evaluation schedule derived in a participatory process.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Community Health, School of Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of in Health Services Planning and Management.