Managerial problems associated with the interventions for teenage pregnancy in the Kumasi Metropolis

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Though the level of management in most institutions in the Kumasi Metropolis with intervention programmes to improve reproductive health seem high, lack of clearly stated objectives, and programme focus has rendered an affective evaluation of such programmes almost impossible. A descriptive study on the managerial problems associated with interventions for teenage pregnancy in the Kumasi Metropolis was carried out among seven reproductive health service providers to assess how management is imparting on their performance. Both quantitative and qualitative methods including questionnaire and in-depth interviews were used for the study. The study revealed that the level of reproductive health services management was averagely as high as 80% when all indicators were scored. This implied that all the respondents were practising management alright, as far as management functions of planning, organising, staffing, leading and controlling are concerned. Yet the qualitative analysis of the findings showed that almost all of the institutions studied did not have clearly defined roles and responsibilities within their own organisations, but outside their organisations. Though 100% of the study population had trained staff at post who was motivated with salary and self interest, their training contents were not necessarily tailored to the problem of teenage pregnancy or adolescent reproductive health. About 43% did not play significant leadership role by initiating and directing programmes. Majority (86%) had monitoring and evaluation mechanisms through - focus group discussions, site visits, reporting forms and other surveys. Yet, the fact that most of them lacked clearly stated objectives, the monitoring and evaluation appear not to be systematic. Recommendations for the improvement in the reproductive health services management should include: systematic planning of needs assessment, priority setting, development of specific strategies and activities; strengthening of coordination and complementarity of roles within organisations; training contents should be continuously reviewed to reflect modem trends with adequate logistics and good working environment; replication and expansion of workable and successful approaches; and both qualitative and quantitative mechanisms be used in monitoring and evaluation.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Master of Science Degree in Health Services Planning and Management