Economic Evaluation of a Mineral Project at Ghana National Manganese Corporation (GNMC), Nsuta

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Quaye, George Boadi
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The effect of mineral property evaluation on project feasibility studies necessitates a thorough investigation of a host of factors to arrive at an appreciable conclusion. Mineral projects are capital intensive projects and they offer investment opportunities which involve the expending of capital at the present time in return to future benefits. Ghana National Manganese Corporation (GNMC) -is an open pit mine which exploits manganese and is located at Nsuta in southwestern Ghana about 65 km from the port of Takoradi. Mineralization at Nsuta occurs -in five hills oriented along two lines with a NNE bearing. The hills are designated A, B, C, D, and E. H-ill B consists predominantly of manganese carbonate. The Nsuta manganese ore deposits occur in the Precambrian upper Birimian rocks of southwestern Ghana. The manganese carbonate is a primary feature constituting a member of the depositional sequence of the upper Birimian which is preserved below the level of oxidation. A review of the ore reserve situation at Hill B at the end of December 1991 stands at 962,000 tonnes of manganese carbonate with a manganese content of 31.9%. This work focuses on Hill B only, which is one of the hills at GNMC with consideration of some of the factors that have influence on economic viability of the project. Annual cash flows are prepared from the various cost estimates. Evaluation techniques such as net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) are used to ascertain the economic viability of the entire investment.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Postgraduate (Professional) Diploma in Mining Engineering, 1994