Survival modelling of time to death for retirees in Ghana
Many countries have studied the lifetime of retirees, with special attention given
to the quality of life of these people. In Ghana, few work has been done on the
determinants of time to death after retirement. The average age of survival after
retirement in Ghana is additionally not known. This study attempts to determine
the life expectancy of a retiree in Ghana, both for men and women, by utilizing
the life table methods. Data was acquired from the SSNIT yearly and monthly
reports of Pensioners for the years 1966 to 2015 particularly on mortality levels.
Survival Analysis was utilized to investigate the e ect of gender, age category
and pension category on survival time (i.e. time to death). The cox proportional
hazard regression model was used to further explain the determinants of time
to death after retirement in Ghana. This work demonstrated that there is a
signi cant distinction between the survival times for male and female retirees,
in truth showing that male retirees are 1:24 times more prone to die, contrasted
with their female counterparts. This subsequently leading us to conclude that
gender does indeed determine the chance of survival after retirement in Ghana.
Socio-economic status and age-at-retirement were additionally observed to be
signi cant determinants of time to death after retirement. This study concluded
that early retirement does undoubtedly increase the likelihood of early death.
A thesis submitted to the Department of Mathematics,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology In
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Philosophy in Actuarial Science,