Decentralized premix fuel management and the development of coastal communities in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem Municipality
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Community development can be promoted through the decentralized Premix fuel
Management policy. However, irregular supply of premix fuel was identified by
government as a major hindrance to fishing activities in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem Municipality. The short supply of premix fuel led to low catch of fish as well
as low income levels for fishermen and fishing was steadily becoming a less attractive
means of livelihood. In the quest to curb the challenge of irregular supply of premix
fuel and its associated problems, the government in 2001 formulated and implemented
the decentralised Premix Fuel Management policy. The study sought to examin e the
contribution of the decentralised Premix Fuel Management policy to infrastructural
development and access to premix in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem
Municipality. It also assessed the levels of stakeholder participation and
accountability in decentralised premix fuel management.
The study adopted the descriptive and explanatory study designs to examine the
contribution of the decentralised Premix Fuel Management policy to community
development. Both simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were
used to select the sample for the study. An interview schedule and interview guides
were employed for the primary data collection.
The main findings of the study were that the decentralised Premix Fuel Management
policy has led to an increase in the supply of premix fuel since its passing in 2001 and
the sale of premix fuel is managed by the community members themselves instead of
private individuals whose major motive is profit maximization. The study also found
that the decentralised premix fuel has led to the implementation of developmental
projects such as construction of a shed for fishermen and fishmongers at the landing
beach, and construction of a clinic and conference hall complex. Other projects
financed from the money earned from selling premix fuel are purchase of fishing nets
for 150 fishermen and distribution of 450 basins to fishmongers to promote their
economic activities.
Despite the implementation of these projects, the community members are not pleased
with the rewards because they feel the rewards do not reflect their needs, and most
especially do not match up with the profits accrued from selling premix fuel. The
study again found that Stakeholder participation and accountability in PFM are low.
The study recommends that government through the National Premix Committee
should formulate and enforce laws to ensure that the Landing Beach Committees do
not violate the rules and regulations guiding the decentralized Premix Fuel
Management policy so as to attain the set goals and objectives.
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, Kumasi in partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Philosophy in Planning