College of Art and Built Environment

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    Eggshell Powder as a Viable Sculpture Material: The Case of W.B.M Zion Senior High School
    (KNUST, 2018-10) Benjamin Deffor
    Materials used in sculpture play an important role since the artiste’s creative ideas comes into accomplishment by working with viable materials in casting sculptural figures. Therefore, there is the need for experimenting with unconventional materials that can equally be used as an alternative to the conventional materials frequently used in the sculptor’s studio. The use of conventional materials for practical works in teaching casting increases the cost burden on students as well as students exposed to inhalation of chemicals in some conventional materials that can gradually affect their health system. Therefore, the researcher identified eggshells which is a nontoxic material and experimented with it by converting it into a powdery material and the use of binders, to be used as an alternative material for casting and modeling instead of the frequent use of conventional materials. The society perceived eggshells as waste and therefore, the researcher seeks to prevent the problems that waste causes to the environment. This research employed qualitative and quantitative approaches of which Quasi-experiment, Descriptive and Action research methods were used. Focus group interview and personal observation of how eggshell powder was used as data gathering instruments. Three research questions guided the study, these were: how can eggshells be experimented with in art education? What processes are involved in converting eggshells into a powder for casting? What is the outcome of using eggshell powder in modeling and casting? The population studied were made up of Students and Teacher at W.B.M Zion Senior High School in the Visual Art Department. Purposive sampling was used to select thirty-six (36) sculpture students from both form one and form two class and one sculpture teacher. They were selected based on their modeling skills. The study introduces the outcome of the experimental work to selected art teachers in the Abuakwa North District in the Eastern region of Ghana, in order to equip sculpture students to use eggshell powder in their studios as a viable medium in art. The preliminary results of the research indicate that the use of eggshell powder with binders was successful in casting and modeling sculptural figures. The researcher therefore recommends that disposable eggshells must be preserved and processed into a powdery material to be used by art Students for their project works. Further research must be carried out to identify waste materials that can be adopted for experimentations.
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    Exploring Mordants for Improved Fastness Of Plant Dyes for Application on Local Vegetable Tanned Leather
    (KNUST, 2018-03) Baah Nyamekye, Perpetual
    Natural dyes which were pushed for long in about six decades by synthetic dyes are gradually emerging to the interest of consumers. This as a result of the possible risk associated with the use of synthetic dyes on the environment. The manufacture of these dyes are energy intensive with adverse impact on environment adding to its greater pollution because of the petro-chemicals in its production. Against this background, that the researcher has delved into the exploration and use of different mordants on plant based dyes to test their affinity on natural leather. Different mordants in the group of metallic, tannins and oil were experimented for the purpose of the research. Plant based dyes namely, Sorghum bicolor leaves and Hibiscus sabdarifa flowers were tested together with identified mordants. The experimental processes were recorded critically and the results were observed and recorded as well. Interviews were also conducted with the sampled population as a means of ascertaining the experimental results obtained. According to the findings secured, it was noticed that plant dyes available locally require mordants to ensure fastness to light and washing, especially if applied on leather. However, not all mordants available on the local market work well with any plant dyes. Mordants used with plant dyes need to be applied in the right quantities to achieve the required efficacy. From all the mordants explored, three main ones worked very well in this study: salt, carbide, lime juice. It was recommended that locally available plant dyes when given the needed attention can serve as a breakthrough for obtaining variety of dye colours to enhance the aesthetics appeal of leathers tanned locally. Dye chemists and leather technicians therefore need to join forces to advance deeper research to harness the potentials of local plant dyes to expand socio-economic benefits.
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    Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance in Visual Arts Education in Ghana: An Evidence from Dormaa Senior High School.
    (KNUST, 2018-02) Anna Yeboaa
    This study was conducted to examine factors affecting students' academic performance in Visual Arts Education in Ghana with evidence from Dormaa Senior High School in the Brong Ahafo Region. The study's objectives were: to identify factors that result in high students` academic performance of Visual Arts education in Dormaa Senior High School; to examine specific factors that underpin low academic performance of Visual Arts students in Dormaa Senior High School; and to propose strategies that can be put in place to enhance academic performance of Visual Arts students in Dormaa Senior High School. As a descriptive research under qualitative study, a sample size of forty (40) respondents were purposively and conveniently selected to help in eliciting responses for this study. The methods of data collection were focus group discussions and unstructured interview. The sources of data were primary and secondary. Data were analyzed using a thematic approach. The study's findings revealed that there are factors that affect academic performance of Visual Arts Students in Dormaa Senior High School. The study further revealed that for the past three years (2014-2016) Dormaa Senior High School has recorded low academic performance for its Visual Arts Students. Finally, useful insights gained from the qualitative analysis as well as the findings and conclusions could serve as practical evidence for school administrators interested in adopting strategies in enhancing academic performance of their students.
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    An Exhibition Design for Visual Art Education in Senior High Schools
    (KNUST, 2018-11) Kweku Boakye
    Exhibition is an aspect of Art education that cannot be underestimated at any level of education. It is embedded in all the syllabi of every Visual Art subjects with all the potential intention to equip students with the interest and the confidence to articulate their works to their audiences in the course of their future career development. For such reason, exhibition is meant to be taught and practised at school far long before students graduate. This study sought to document and analyse the knowledge for organising exhibition, propose and test an exhibition framework in TI Ahmadiyya Senior High School and Kumasi Anglican Senior High School all in Kumasi Metropolis, Ashanti Region, Ghana. The study adopted qualitative research method with descriptive and action research methodologies to study the knowledge and organisation of the exhibition in the selected schools. The various instruments used included questionnaire, observation and interview to solicit for data. After collecting data for analysis, exhibition model was created and tested through organising exhibition for the students’ understudy. The exhibition model served as a scheme or guide which engaged all participants who acted as artists, curators, audiences, exhibition designer, planner and even security. The study discovered the various reasons which became stumbling blocks for exhibition organisation in schools. Some of these reasons are, lack of expertise among teachers, unawareness of exhibition design, finances and discrimination of subject viability from school leadership. Teachers associate exhibition with events such as Speech Day and Anniversaries which seriously deny students the joy of displaying their works. The study recommended adaptation of the exhibition model (BEDM) into the curriculum to serve as a guide for organisation of exhibitions in Senior High Schools.
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    Decision-making practices of construction firms in Accra Ghana
    (2021-07-12) Aikins, Daniel;
    Decision-making is critical in any industry and the construction industry is not exempt from this, since the construction process requires many decisions to be made. In terms of strategic decision as well, these companies need to make them so that they can remain competitive in the industry. Therefore, this study was to determine the decision-making practices of construction firms in Ghana, and the objectives included identifying the decisions making practices and the factors, which influenced these decision-making practices. Identifying these would help in proffering recommendations for the best practices in decision-making. Previous works were reviewed to help establish gaps in the area of decision-making. The research relied on a quantitative strategy that allowed for the use of questionnaires to elicit data from respondents made up of building contractors and other construction professionals from firms within the industry using the census sampling. Based on the analysis of the data that is the use of mean score ranking it was revealed that the characteristics of strategic decision-making associated with construction firms focused on their long term organizational objectives and projects, management of firm resources and maintaining their competitive advantage. Their decision-making processes were influenced by certain internal and external factors, and the most significant among them included their implementation plans, past decisions and cognitive biases. It was recommended that decisionmaking processes should be collective, and that there be relevant training for the managers who have to make such strategic decisions for the construction firms. The firms should also have regular internal training for all personnel to aid them in making these strategic decisions and also adhering to them so they can be achieved