A comparative study of local and foreign packages on the Ghanaian market
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The high standard of product quality in many local products cannot be disputed. The present drive in the export of local products, both agricultural and industrial, is a positive pointer to this assertion. Some local products have even gone to the extent of winning international awards and recognition.
However, many an enthusiastic exporter or manufacturer has had his expectations of a foreign market turned into a dream. His products are either not accepted for export or are rejected on the foreign market. Reasons for this state of affairs may be numerous. Though one cannot completely rule out ethnic undertones in some cases, packaging has been the accused and in most cases, has been found guilty. Instances abound where manufacturers had to export their products in bulk packages, to be repacked into consumer units in the target country.
This study has been undertaken to investigate what deficiencies there are in the local consumer unit packages, that make them unacceptable on the international market. These will stream-line the necessary corrective measures. It will assist the packaging industry to tackle the packaging problem in the right direction.
The study made a random sampling of two hundred (200) packages. These were critically analysed and the interpretation of the results clearly indicated that the local packages do not compare favourably with the foreign packages. The deficiencies were identified as well as the causative factors. Practical improvements were presented. However these should by no means be taken as the ultimate improvement that can be effected on the selected weak package. They should rather be viewed as suggested practical approaches towards improving the qualities of the visual designs of the packages.
This research has been made possible through personal observations, interviews with various resource personnel, studio and library studies.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Art Education,