Assessing career progression among female health workers in the Ghana health service in the Kumasi Metropolis.

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The career development of women over the years has seen several consistent limitations. This paper assesses the career progression of female health workers in the Ghana Health services. The research was guided by four specific objectives; effects of social roles on career progression, impact of social support on career progression, effects of perceived organizational support on career progression, and lastly the effects of personality on career progression. The study was basically quantitative and it sought to explain the relationship among the variables. A total of two hundred (200) selected from five (5) hospitals and Metro Health Directorate answered the questionnaire. Primary data was gathered through questionnaire whiles secondary data was collected through other researches among others. The data collected was analyzed using statistical package for social scientist (SPSS). Correlation and Linear Regression were used to analyze the data. The results showed that while the effect of social role (B=-0.014; p=0.783) is not significant and as such cannot be used to predict career progression all the remaining factors, social support (B=-0.377; p=0.000), perceived organizational support (B=-0.189: p=0.007) and personality (B=- 0.342: p=0.000) are statistically significant and can be used to predict career progression. The study recommended that the society must offer support to women in the form of husbands and in laws helping them in taking care of their children and discharging their household duties since it helps them to get time to progress in their career. Organizations should create the enabling environment to help the female worker progress as well as organize workshops and refresher courses for their female workers periodically. Lastly the study recommends that women should have a positive attitude towards themselves by avoiding inferiority complex.
A Thesis Submitted To The Department Of Human Resource And Organizational Development In Partial Fulfilment Of The Requirements For The Degree Of Master Of Business Administration (Hrm Option)