The importance of the jubilee mall on the KNUST community, perspective of stakeholders.

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New retail formats are growing at a rapid pace in Ghana and thus there remains a need among Ghanaians to understand the significance of these organized retail outlets to the various stakeholders. In view of this, the study assesses the effects of the Jubilee Mall on the KNUST community. Primary data were collected through the use of structured questionnaires which were designed and administered to students, tenants, university employees, spouses and children of campus residents and other users of the mall. Scheduled interviews were also used to obtain data from the owners, managers, estate manager and the Registrar of KNUST. The study made use both convenience and purposive sampling techniques to select a sample size of two hundred (200) students, forty (40) university employees, forty (40) spouses and children of campus residents, sixty five (65) residents of the community around KNUST, eleven (11) tenants, the Jubilee Mall Manager and the Registrar of KNUST. The evidence obtained indicated a positive and significant impact of activities of the KNUST community. the Jubilee Mall on the economic activities of the KNUST community. It was further found that the Jubilee Mall has a positive and insignificant impact on the social and employment For instance, the community (staff, students and campus residents) indicated that the Jubilee Mall has led to savings in transportation expenses, free parking, reduced prices of goods and services and increased tourism. However, the study revealed that HFC Bank is yet to obtain expected financial benefits because most of the shops were yet to be occupied. Again, the Mall has not contributed to the employment of the residents of the local community because employment were not done with due preference to the residents of the community. Majority (45.5%) of the tenants indicated that the level of patronage of their businesses was normal. It is therefore concluded that Jubilee Mall has a positive impact on the economic, social and employment activities of the KNUST community, however the level of impacts on both social and employment activities are not significant. It is recommended that the managers of the mall (HFC Bank) must increase their promotional activities to create public awareness of the existence of the Mall.
A Thesis Submitted In Partial Fulfilment Of The Award Of The Degree Of Master Of Business Administration (Strategic Management And Consulting).