Scripture Union National Campsite Twindurasi, Ashanti Region

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A lot of Christian Organisations have been springing up from the mother churches all with the aim of ensuring a better Christian life. This has been the aim of Scripture Union, Ghana; in it’s over hundred years of existence. Scripture Union has been dealing with people of all age groups especially, the youth in their physical and spiritual growth. Unfortunately however, Scripture Union, Ghana; irrespective of its immense valuable contribution to the society has no special facilities to support the good work being done. The scheme deals with the feasibility studies, the statistical data needed for projections, design proposals, phasing and costing for the development of a campsite, a facility which is very important in the activities of Scripture Union. It seeks to meet the convivial, Spiritual and some physical needs of the union. The emphasis is on children of different age groups, the youth, although adults can also use the facility. Feasibility Studies show that the development of such a campsite, will to a greater extent, help fulfil the aim of scripture union, Ghana; and thereby help transform the youth in the society, to ensure a better citizenship and a better nation at large in the near future. It is hoped that this report with all that is entails will be the first step towards the realisation of this pressing need of scripture union, Ghana.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture.