Level of knowledge and usage of safety control tools and techniques by building contractors in Ghana
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The construction industry has been recognized as one of the most hazardous industries in the economy. In recent times, health and safety continues to be a major challenge in the construction industry. With the use of safety control tools and techniques by building contractors, accidents can be significantly minimized and hence ensuring safety in the construction industry. The aim of this study is to explore the level of knowledge and usage of safety control tools and techniques by contractors in Ghana and to identify practical safety control measures required to improve safety in building construction sites in Ghana. The study utilized survey questionnaires designed using factors identified from review of extant literature on the topic and preliminary survey to elicit the perceptions on health and safety control tools and techniques from respondents. Descriptive statistics and relative important index was utilized for analyzing the data generated. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the surveyed respondents of the study have knowledge about the process statistical analysis and reporting methods employed in the construction industry. Moreover majority of the respondents also believe their respective construction companies seldom conduct safety hazard risk analysis. The use of flowcharting and statistical sampling and testing were top ranked among the safety control measures required to improve safety in building construction sites in Ghana. The findings of the study will be of use to construction professionals seeking innovative measures to improve health and safety on their construction sites. It is therefore recommended that the construction industry give keen attention to Health and Safety Control tools and techniques.
A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Building Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a degree of Master of Science in Construction Management, 2014
Construction Industry, Health and Safety, Ghana, Measures, Contractors