Institute of Management Studies - Kumasi
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It has been said that a nation’s development depends to a large extent on how well it trains its human resources, to acquire skills in business, management and the academic to hold responsible positions in key sections of the economy such as industry, commence, and agriculture.
The need for institutions in the country to help train such personnel cannot thus be over emphasised. However, in Ghana, the business/managerial sector has been on the quite if not neglected, by our educational system for quite a long time now.
This is obvious from the fact that of the five universities in the country, it is only the School of Administration in Legon (SOA, Legon) which offers courses in business/management at a tertiary level.
This trend has led to a situation where students who study these subjects at the second cycle level either are not able to gain admission to the university due to the high rate of competition, coupled with the virtual not existence of such institution, to absorb the students for further study.
As a result of this trend of affairs, a high percentage of students are walking about with knowledge in the courses but are unable to further their education. Other part qualified professionals are also practising in offices all over the country. Moreover, the few such schools around, Institute of Professional Studies (I.P.S Legon) is located in the southern sector of the country and thus makes it difficult for those in the northern sector to have access to improve their level of education.
It is in realisation of this need that as a contribution to the national front, the task of collecting information to present a design of such an institute in Kumasi to help meet the needs of students in this sector was undertaken. Due to the lack of comprehensive material about such institutes, a lot of the data meant for this thesis was collected through reading, holding discussions and interviews as well as photographs for visual survey and documentation purposes.
The approach adopted for this study was to establish the need for such an institute in the northern sector to help train people to man certain key positions in the economy. Feasibility studies were then conducted to establish the viability of the project.
Comparative studies were then made of both local and foreign institutions which train professionals in this category.
The analysis and synthesis of the above studies led to a final comprehensive design brief to supplement the initial ideas of the client.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture.