Oyster shell mining and processing as a means of socio-economic development of the Dangme West District, Ghana
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One of the major factors of development is the availability of resources, and the way these resources are combined with other factors of production to obtain finished products. Resources, however, need to be recognized as such, assessed and exploited if benefits are to be derived,
The Dangme West District has large deposits at Oyster Shells which have Economic, Social and Cultural benefits but which are not being fully developed. Those engaged in the activity face several problems including high cost of inputs, poor physical infrastructure ineffient production methods, and low prices for output.
This study examines the operations and performance of tiLe mining and processing industry with a view to assessing its problems and potentials, its economic viability and helping it to realise its full potential. By the use of descriptive and quantitative analysis, and also narrative summaries the study specifically assesses the economic and social benefits and effects of the
The results indicate that the industry is a viable one, and as such urgent attention needs to be given to it by the District Assembly, lending institutions, and the National Board for Small Scale Industries in order to raise the present sub-optimal performance. It shows above all that the industry has the capacity to contribute substantially to household and district incomes if the necessary attention is given to it by all concerned individuals and bodies. The study concludes that if the recommendations are acted upon as a matter of urgency, the district will derive great benefits from this industry.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Science in Development Planning and Management.