An investigation into the impact of employee retention strategies at the Bawku Municipal Health Service

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Health Employee retention strategies have become necessary in a developing country such as Ghana, owing to some identifiable push and pull factor operating between the developed and developing countries. The developed countries have always/ being the destination, (especially the United State of America and nations o’ European Union), of the majority of the health workers from the developing countries. The main objective of the research was to determine the retention strategies of the Bawku municipal health directorate with the view of analyzing the strategies and their impact on retaining employees. To achieve this objective a stratified sampling method was used to identify the various groups of the workers and subsequently a sample of 60 respondents were selected to represent the population. The survey data shows that two broad groups of retention policies were available: financial and non-financial retention strategies for the various categories of health workers in the Bawku Municipal health directorate. The research also reveals that the retention policies were more skewed towards retaining doctors and nurses than the other health workers. Despite its discriminatory nature the policy has achieved a turnover rate of 1 .7% over the last five years and importantly have retained all five doctors in the last five years. On the other hand, lack of conducive working environment, unsatisfactory salary and lack of recognition were the main findings that could increase turnover in the Bawku municipal health directorate. However, a further study into the cost of retaining each of the categories of the health workers of the Bawku municipal health directorate could compliment the study and make it more applicable to other health institutions.
A thesis submitted to the KNUST School of Business, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administrataion, 2008