International Central Gospel Church (I. C.G. C), University College Campus, Oyibi-Dodowa
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Education plays a major role in bringing to fruition the nation’s developmental aspirations. Whilst the primary and secondary aspects provide basic education necessary as a basis for future advancement, tertiary education provides education geared towards specialization in particular fields. Tertiary education therefore is the culmination of attempts at preparing to meet manpower needs of the nation.
The design of facilities therefore must be done well to provide the best possible environment.
“A contemporary University should be place of meeting, a forum for the exchange of ideas and information. It should be a place where students, teachers and researchers would form a community. It should be able to adapt itself to constantly changing conditions and increased numbers”
Candilis, Josic, Woods, Castaing and Gardia. Designers
Toulouse Faculty of Arts.
The quote above reveals the important role the design of a University Campus plays, in the furtherance of tertiary education. The environment, the facilities, must be put together consciously to provide an environment conducive to learning.
The purpose of this design thesis is to provide an appropriate solution for accommodation and expansion needs of a University College.
The objective is to conduct a thorough study into the operations and requirements of a University College, vis – a - vis facilities, required, space standards to be employed, development policies appropriate, etc. It is expected, in the end to provide a basis for the proposal of a solution.
The design solution is expected to serve as a prototype for the design of similar universities in Ghana and the West African sub - region and as a reference technical handbook for the actual development (in part or whole) of the university.
The scope will entail the general space and service needs
of the University together with sociological and physiological
attributes that will ensure a conductive environment for
teaching, learning and research. Facilities intended to be
provided include the following:
— Administration Block/Offices
— Library/Data Processing Centre/Computing Centre
— Faculty Facilities/Lecture Halls
— Hospital/Clinic
— Staff Housing - Senior/Junior Staff
— Students Hostels — Married/Single Students
- Chapel/Meditati9fl Grounds/Orchard
- Recreational Grounds
This report is presented in parts, in order of execution of the study:
1. Stage one deals with introduction, documentation and analysis relevant to the project.
2. Stage two deals with general studies and analytical basis, related to the project.
3. The third stage deals with information on the design proposals including:
i. Design Concepts.
ii. Appraisal of the design by way of drawings
The underlying aim is to present this report with clarity and lucidity so that the layman, engineer, minister, etc. can understand its implications, the use of graphics, therefore to present salient points is employed.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture,