A study on the effects of management practices on the completion time of building projects
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The aim of the study was to identify various management practices and how they affect the
completion time of building projects in Ghana, The study involved sampling the views of | major parties involved in a building project, that is client (both individual and corporate),
[ consultants(designers and supervisors) and contractors (D1K1 classification). The study
investigated the various management practices applied on a building project and determined
| which of the practices had strong effect on completion time. It went further to determine how
significant the strongest factors were in terms of it affecting or not affecting completion time.
It also determined whether consultants, clients and contractors differed in their responses as to which of the management functions (Planning, directing, organising, staffing and controlling) had the strongest effect on the completion time of building projects. The study also considered respondents application of some of the management practices on projects.
Responses from contractors, consultants and clients put together produced findings such as: identification of fifty management practices. Among these management practices, poor planning, inadequate contractor experience, long waiting time for approval of drawings by client, delay in design information and discrepancies in design, etc. were identified as some of the strongest management practices affecting delay. Again, among the strongest factors that were identified, poor site management and supervision was the most significant factor at the 95th percentile with respect to it affecting or not affecting completion time. Another finding was that clients, contractors and consultants differed in the management functions they perceived as having the strongest effect on time.
The study concluded that management practices indeed had a strong effect on completion time of building projects, A key recommendation made from the study is the need for people m the industry to be more knowledgeable in management practices (especially the usage of various planning techniques) and if possible become one of the key qualifications for classification under the Ministry of Works and Housing.
A dissertation submitted to the Department of Building Technology of the College of Architecture and Planning, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Master of Science in Construction Management.