Customer service and customer retention; a case of some selected commercial banks in Kumasi

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August, 2015
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The importance of customer service in achieving corporate objectives cannot be over emphasized. Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction; that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the expectations of the customer. Although banks are now focusing on efficient ways of meeting customers‟ needs, there is the observation that many customers hop from one bank to another. The purpose of the study was to investigate customer service and customer retention in three selected banks in Kumasi. Thus the study aimed at investigating the strategies that are adopted by these financial institutions in order to satisfy their customers and also how they retain them. A sample of 132 respondents was chosen out of which 22 were chosen using purposive methods. The remaining 110 respondents were chosen using convenient sampling method. In the process, both qualitative and quantitative data was sought for using questionnaire and an interview guide. Whilst the quantitative data were analyse d with frequency counts and mean score, the qualitative data were analysed under themes and patterns and presented with direct quotations from the interviewees. The findings of the study revealed among others that customers‟ perceptions about the quality of services provided by the three selected banks varied and also customer retention was rated high by the all respondents. Most customers of G C B Bank were not satisfied with the quality of service relative to customers of ADB and UMB. It was recommended among others that banks need to improve the dimensions of service quality through regular training of employees
A thesis submitted to the School of Business, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management Option),