Camp correctional Institution Titrinu, Volta Region
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Deviant behaviour is inevitable in every society because of individual differences that emanate as a result of environmental or societal influences or inherent characteristics. These deviant behaviours are the eventual results of crimes in society.
In order to curb these crimes society has made conscious efforts to isolate the perpetrators of such activities from its fabric in order to prevent other people from being influenced by these deviants.
Unfortunately, the intervention of isolation has not been very effective considering the
number of recidivist prisoners recorded in the country's prisons. This probably is as a
result of inadequate reformation process within the prison system and the unsuitable environment within which they are being reformed.
Inherent in the theory of punishing offences/crimes, where the system(s) and infrastructure is modelled on isolating and "keeping at bay" the offender, lies an irony; people convicted of crimes are catered for with the meagre resources of the society, and ex-convicts commit more heinous crimes upon their release sparking off a vicious cycle where society pays dearly with the loss of lives and property, and are sent back into the prison systems paid for by the meagre resources of society. It is in this view that there is the need to root for a revolution in the correctional system that lays more emphasis on transforming criminals and providing them with opportunities to develop and generate
enough income for themselves, their families and finally contribute meaningfully to the advancement of society.
This thesis therefore discusses the need for a new prison reform and also the need for an integration center for prisoners before they finish serving their sentences so as to prepare them to fit and be accepted back into society. The focus is thus on occupational rehabilitation as a course of action to reduce crime in society.
A thesis report submitted to the Department of Architecture in partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the award of a Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture