Assessment of the factors influencing girl child participation in Senior High School in the Bolgatanga Municipality of Ghana
June , 2015
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The study is focused on Girl Child participation in Senior High Education. The main objective is to assess the factors influencing Girl Child participation in Senior High School Education in the Bolgatanga Municipality of Ghana.
The crossed – sectional Approach was adopted to undertake the research where data was collected from primary and secondary sources.
The Purposive sampling method was adopted for the data collection process. Simple random sampling technique (lottery method) was also employed in the selection of students, teachers and parents to ensure unbiased representation of the various units of analysis.
The study revealed that Girl child access and participation in Senior High School Education is influenced by bad cultural practices such as Exchange marriage, Betrothal, Early marriages, poverty coupled with parental attitude and perceptions of educating the Girl Child.
Also, there exist a considerable number of intervention programmes by the Ghana Education Service, Municipal Assembly NGOs and some institutions who in their diverse way try to promote girl child education in the Municipality.
Education is the right of every girl everywhere and key to transforming her life and the life of her community. Without education, girls are denied the opportunity to develop their full potential and to play a productive and equal role in their families, their societies their country and their world.Unfortunately, support programmes that exist target a considerable number of girls who get the needed support to continue their education. The lot is left out.
It is in this light that, the study made a number of recommendations towards the improvement of girl child participation in SHS; educating parents on girls education, the central government, the Ghana Education Service and NGOs should be committed in instituting scholarships/sponsorships, motivational packages and incentives to attract more girls to SHS, Bye laws should be instituted to ban all bad cultural practices , the requisite teaching and learning materials be provided and monitoring and evaluation team should be put in place to see the girl child in school.
Girls should embrace intervention programmes that are in to support them and wear a positive attitude towards their education, parents and the society should support such programmes to help the child build confidence in herself to pursue higher education.
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a Degree of Masters of Science in Development Policy and Planning.