Implementation challenges of the public procurement ACT 663 (ACT 2003) in Public Hospitals in Kumasi
November, 2014
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The Public Procurement Act 663 (2003) has many objectives such as ensuring
transparency, creating competition and ensuring effective and efficient delivery of
health care in public hospitals in the country. However, ten years down the line, the
objectives of the Act are yet to be realized for effective health care due to some
challenges with its implementation. Therefore, a cross sectional survey was conducted
on a non-probabilistic sample of 60 respondents using structured questionnaire to
elicit the implementation challenges of the Act and to suggest measures that can
mitigate such challenges. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics
involving frequencies, percentages and mean score rankings. The analysis revealed
that the major implementation challenge of the Act was delay in payment of
contractors and suppliers of drug and non-drug consumables leading to inefficiencies
in health care delivery. Apart from this, several other challenges were identified
which include high advertisement cost, lack of qualified staff, inadequate monitoring
and evaluation and political interference. Among the measures which were identified
to mitigate these challenges the major one was the employment of qualified trained
procurement professionals. Other supporting measures also included the
establishment of a national procurement fund, refresher courses for procurement
practitioners, internal auditing and donor support funding among others. Based on the
results of the study the researcher recommends regular and periodic in-service
training for members of the procurement co mmittees, the use of the mass media to
sensitize the public to contribute towards the establishment of a national procurement
fund and political non-interference in the procurement process
A thesis submitted to the Department of Building
Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of Master of Science (MSc) in Procurement in