The lace of art in art education

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The research sought to find out how art programmes are organized in teacher education for the promotion of culture. The research is carried out against the background that for art as a discipline in the educational curriculum to promote culture, it must start from the quality of education that goes into preparing the art teacher. In the educational curriculum art is the one subject that is most integrated with culture. Logically art education should cater for aspect of “cultural education” that is relevant to art. With this strong conviction the research sought to examine the intensity of the art programme at the teacher education level for the task of promoting culture. The descriptive survey and the analytical methods were the methodologies used in this study. Analyses of the results were made and these were interpreted. The scope of the research was limited to the institutions involved in the art programme for teachers education of which there are only two in the entire country presently, namely the S.D.A. Teacher Training Collage, Asokore Koforidua which is involved in the post-secondary art programme; and the school of Art of the S.T.C., Winneba which is on the diploma Art Teachers’ pprogramme. The main findings indicate that Ghanaian art is closely integrated with culture. There are aspects of Ghanaian culture that can be described as artistic. The art programme at the post-Secondary and Diploma Teachers levels are deficient in Ghanaian culture. The thesis propose additional themes that can be used to enrich the cultural of the art program.
A thesis submitted to the Board of Postgraduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Art Education.