The effect of business intelligence and green innovation on firm performance: the moderating role of management capability of sme’s in ghana
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The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of business intelligence and innovation on firm performance, the moderating role of managerial capability among small and medium sized enterprises (smes) in Ghana. The study employed a descriptive research approach, this study was of a quantitative character, and hence the researcher utilized a quantitative research approach to gather data for analysis. The sample sized was 170. The data collected from respondents was analyzed through the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25.0. The statistical test run were, frequencies, reliability mean, standard deviation, correlation and linear regression. The first finding highlights that business intelligence (BI) has a significant positive impact on performance, the second finding of the research emphasizes a strong positive association between BI and green innovation. The study further found that green innovation plays a mediating role in the relationship between BI and firm performance. Based on these findings the study recommend that smes should prioritize investments in improving their BI capabilities. This includes adopting advanced BI tools, technologies, and data analytics techniques to gather, analyze, and utilize relevant data effectively
A thesis submitted to the Department of Marketing and Corporate Strategy, School of Business, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, KNUST in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of business administration in marketing